Why isn’t that knowledge translating into action?
Feel like you just wanna lay on your couch, watch the new episode of Shrinking on Apple TV instead?
Why aren’t the podcast interviews you heard last week helping you change your bad habits this week?
1. Because what you consume doesn’t always convert to changed behavior.
Let’s be honest.
If it did, we’d all be fit, wealthy and married to our soulmate.
We all know how to be healthy, rich and in love… but most of us can’t apply the knowledge. Why?
2. Your brain tells your body what to do.
When the brain and body are working optimally, they are separate but connected.
They function independent of one another and they work well together, sending each other data. Also referred to as differentiation and linkage.
3. Your brain sends thoughts and ideas. Your body sends emotions. #data
Both forms of data are information that tell the other what to do next.
For example, anger can tell the brain to defend itself against a thief. A business idea can be used to tell the body what strategy to act on.
4. But you can’t use this data if the brain & body aren’t linked.
In order to access this amazing knowledge you’re learning from your fave entrepreneurs and mentors, your brain & body gotta be sending and receiving at a high level.
Knowledge used is knowledge that is accessible.
Conversely, knowledge that isn’t applied is knowledge that isn’t being properly sent down to the body to put into action. So why does this happen?
5. You learned to stay in your brain or stay in your body.
You typically fall into one of two camps.
Your brain taught you it’s best to overthink, analyze and control your life. Or, your body taught you to focus on how you feel and how others feel in order to get what you need.
6. You need your brain to think. You need your body to take action.
Neither is more important than the other.
They’re each essential. But you need to be using both your brain and body at the same time in order to actually use your knowledge.
7. Do you favor your brain or body more?
If so, switch it up.
Notice if you’re someone who loves to learn, plan and strategize…but applying the knowledge feels hard (or impossible) to do.
Notice if you’re always doing things but they aren’t strategic or converting into the intended result.
Try your hardest to do the opposite.
Start slow & small.
What truly helps and creates more linkage between your brain and body so they’re communicating well?
Want to learn more about him and what he needs from you? Join me at my new LIVE workshop, The Mind & Heart Of A Man: Cracking The Formula to What He Actually Wants And Needs In Order to Fall In Love & Happily Commit To You on March 27th, 2024 at 12:00 pm PST where you’ll learn exactly how the male mind and heart work compared to yours and what feelings, thoughts and actions he must experience in order to make him feel like you’re the one for him.
Click here to get all the details & secure your spot!
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