
Your best kept secret to finding true love. 

I help strong, independent, successful women attract, connect with, choose and KEEP the RIGHT man for you. You want to feel loved, cared for and receive the peace and security a healthy relationship  creates.  I teach you the essential  strategies to be strong AND soft, in order to finally have true, committed and lasting love with a man. 


You are in complete control of the type of man you attract and how he treats you. But if you're anything like me, you need help to take your love life to the next level.

You’ve read the dating books,  followed the feminine femme fatale influencers on social, got on the dating apps but you still haven’t met the man that you’re truly looking for. It’s because those are just physical masculine mindset approaches to "love." Love is spiritual.  You need an inside out approach to finally have your dream relationship.  That’s where the feminine magic is. And I’m skilled in just that.

HEre's how I can help:


competitive masculine energy removal

secure attachment

male attraction, Bonding & connection 


Method Masterclass

Method - Masterclass

Make him feel like a winner, and he’ll do anything to win YOU over.

In love, it’s not about keeping score—it’s about creating a team where both of you win. Discover the proven process to inspire his pursuit, deepen his commitment, and build a lasting connection. Because when he wins - YOU win. 


book a free

You've been busy building a life you love, you just want the matching relationship. No more worrying why you have it all except a great man .  You don't have time to waste. Whether you're in a relationship that needs more of your soft feminine to empower your man or you're single and you need to build confidence in consciously choosing men, my 1:1 private coaching is for you. 

Personalized coaching to help you get him and keep him.

1:1 Coaching


This community is designed for single, strong and successful women that have a great life & career but have been settling for men with "potential."  You’ve built the life you always dreamed of. Now you’re ready for the love that matches it. 

This is the exclusive private
6-month container that teaches you exactly how to attract a man that adores you, matches your effort and knows your value. 

Segura -
Group Coaching


A man who pursues you with intention and consistency because he knows you’re a rare and irreplaceable woman. 

A relationship where he gives, leads, and commits because he feels challenged, inspired, and respected.

Finally feel secure and confident when you're single, dating & coupled.

A love where you feel cherished, secure, and valued without having to lower your standards or do all the emotional work.

A Bit About Me

Education & Resources

Group Coaching

The info and tools you need to transform the relationships in your life.  

Designed to provide support and strategies to help you thrive. 

Feminine leadership coaching to help you build secure attachment and attract the perfect man for you.


100 Irresistible Questions That Spark His Attraction & Keep Him Hooked 

Go beyond small talk and build a connection that peaks his interest and keeps him thinking about you all day long.