
Confident when you're apart.
Feminine when you're together.

I help strong, independent, successful women access and master their feminine energy to attract, connect with and choose and keep the RIGHT man for you so you can  feel loved, cared for and receive the peace and security a healthy relationship  creates.  I teach you the essential  strategies to be strong AND soft, in order to finally have true, committed and lasting love with a man. 


You're stronger than you think you are. But if you're anything like me, you need help to take your love life to the next level.

You’ve read the dating books,  followed the feminine femme fatale influencers on social, got on the dating apps but you still haven’t met the man that you’re truly looking for. It’s because those are just masculine mindset approaches to your love success.
You need a bottom/up approach….engaging your healthy & secure feminine energy to finally have your dream relationship. 
 That’s where the feminine magic is.
And I’m skilled in just that.

HEre's how I can help:


unhealthy masculine energy removal

feminine energy mastery

male attraction, Bonding & connection 

book a free consult

Femininity is a skill and it can be learned AND mastered. You've been busy building a secure lifestyle, let's get you the matching relationship. No more worrying why you have it all except a great man .  You don't have time to waste. Whether you're in a relationship that needs more of your soft feminine to empower your man or you're single and you need to build confidence in consciously choosing men, my 1:1 private coaching is for you. 

Personalized feminine connection coaching to help you get him and keep him NOW.

Private 1:1 Coaching

join the waitlist

He wants to love you. ⁣There isn’t a shortage of great men out there. 
You’re just picking the wrong ones out of internal lack. ⁣Segura is THE program to fix your relationship problems at their root.  No tricks, no manipulative pick up lines or seduction strategies. We solve your love problems permanently. 

The private community, weekly coaching and curriculum that helps you choose a great man from a place of true confidence.
No femme fatale stuff here. 

Group Coaching


Finally feel in control of your emotions & behaviors with men. 

Trust your instincts & intuition about him. 

Finally feel secure and confident when you're single and dating. 

Stop sabotaging a good thing or settling for and attracting the wrong ones. 


It's never too late



your future

and reignite your relationship



but first

If you have the desire to heal and change, that means that it’s actually possible. You didn’t stumble on my website by accident. Fate is real and so is healing. 

I'm ready when you are