It was my second full year in business as a coach and I was broke.
I was living with my sister in her condo.
Me, my three daughters, in one room and on one bed.
I had no other income.
I wanted to coach full time and it was feeling tough.
No one could afford it.
The pandemic hit people hard. And here I was trying to launch a coaching business.
But I knew I had to start a new chapter in my life.
I was divorcing my husband and had to get out of real estate industry.
I had done it for 12 years and I was done.
I didn’t have my own home. I was living with my twin sister giving her whatever money I could afford each month.
I was so tired of worrying and stressing about money and what my life was gonna look like post divorce.
I got whatever money I had and bought a $2k business coaching program.
It felt like I spent a million dollars. It seemed crazy at the time but I had a deep feeling that it was gonna help me.
My coach started the program by having me get clear on my ideal client.
It made no sense why she as having me talk about my client when it was me she should be helping.
After I got clear on who I was helping (back then I worked with men and women that wanted to heal their trauma), I began asking myself this question over and over.
“How can I get my clients bigger results faster?”
This caused me to focus on my current client to the point of obsession.
I focused on my clients results. Period.
I thought about them day and night.
I studied what they all had in common.
I learned their fears, needs, pain points and deep desires.
I added tools and resources that helped them when they weren’t in session with me.
I studied what modalities would create the biggest transformation.
I learned what they had done before, hadn’t worked and why.
What happened?
It was almost as if God would constantly download ideas and resources on how to help them and how to make more money.
I would read exactly the right book with the perfect solution to one of my client’s issues.
This happened over and over.
It made me feel more confident as a coach.
Helped me sell better.
I attracted more clients because I was in so much certainty about my ability to get them results.
Clients felt that and they hired me. Over and over again.
I got referrals.
And I made 5 times as much money that year.
All because I focused on who I served.
I didn’t think about me or my bank account.
I asked what they needed. Not me.
The old Anabell would only worry about bills, rent, money, fear.
Only think about herself and her needs.
My focus used to be only on my survival.
It was only when I got my mind focused on my clients solution….that it became my solution.
Their success became mine.
Their healing became mine.
If you’re a coach, entrepreneur, employee, manager, stay at home mom, teacher….whatever you do..
Whoever you serve….ask yourself….
How can I get my _________ bigger results? Faster results?
Ask yourself this everyday.
And notice what you start having ideas about. Notice what books you desire reading.
Notice how you show up differently.
When you focus on a solution instead of the problem….life changes.
Want to learn more about him and what he needs from you? Join me at my new LIVE workshop, The Mind & Heart Of A Man: Cracking The Formula to What He Actually Wants And Needs In Order to Fall In Love & Happily Commit To You on March 27th, 2024 at 12:00 pm PST where you’ll learn exactly how the male mind and heart work compared to yours and what feelings, thoughts and actions he must experience in order to make him feel like you’re the one for him.
Click here to get all the details & secure your spot!
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Want to know the 10 Hidden Masculine Traits That Keep You Overworked & Underloved? …..click here to download my free ebook to learn if you have them plus the 20 common masculine patterns that women struggle with.
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