Good Rest Creates Great Work

Hi, I’m Anabell, and I’m obsessed with all things attraction & conection.

I help women break free from subconscious patterns that hold you back in romantic relationships, unlock your true feminine potential and attract your masculine man 

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The go-to podcast for woman looking to level up their femininity and secure attachment (and have a great time doing it!)



A few months ago in December ‘22 I had a sales launch for my coaching program Bloom

It was super successful (in the world of Anabell and maybe even coaching in general). 

It earned over $100,000+ in revenue. 

Dozens of women joined Bloom and I was really happy since I met my income and member goals.


I worked my butt off. 

I started planning my launch in October. This entailed strategizing my podcast episodes, videos I shared on social media for the next 60 days and all the specific content that took leads from “cold to sold.”

The official launch began December 6th and my cart closed on December 12th. 

I had over 75 clarity calls scheduled all throughout the month of December and some in January. 

Mind you, this was during the Christmas and New Year holiday season. 

My best friend invited me to go with her to Mexico City to see Bad Bunny in concert but I was so busy that I couldn’t even take 3 days to relax. 

So wack. 

Come January after the launch was over I found myself not wanting to make videos, podcast episodes or posts on social media. 


I felt so shut down energetically. 

I almost felt resentful with my followers and listeners…as if they were putting pressure on me to post. 

I was indignant about taking 3 months off after a “successful launch.”

During January I had a new open schedule with no more 1:1 clients, just group. 

I had less things on my calendar and I still felt super tired. 

I also had this nonstop feeling of wanting to be alone and not show up to be with others. 

So let me explain what happened here. 

After reflecting on what worked and what didn’t work in my launch… as well as looking at my lifestyle needs and goals…..

 I realized that the hustle of live launching and hosting live sales calls was completely contradictory to my personal goals as a woman and mother. 

It went completely against what I teach in Bloom which is… you can do less and have exponentially more. 

The point of me starting Bloom was to scale my coaching business. 

I had such a big demand on my services that I had to find a way to make my coaching accessible and available to everyone that needed my help. 

Going from 1:1 to group was the way to do it. Otherwise it would take me 40 years to coach everyone on my waiting list. 

So although I finally was able to start Bloom last summer, I was still in this hustley mentality and behavior in the sales part of my business. 

It was abundantly clear that I couldn’t go on with a sales system like I had done the full two years prior. 

Let me be really clear.  

There was nothing “wrong” with this launching method. 

It worked. 

I sold out every single quarter and earned hundreds of thousands every year.  

However, for this point in my life and career…it wasn’t right for me. 

I had to find another way to not let my business interfere with my role as a single mother and hopefully as a wife in the near future. 

I reminded myself, “I don’t live to work. I work to live.”

My business is what I do in order to support the beautiful life that I’ve created. 

I needed to be able to have slow mornings with my girls so we could have breakfast, chat, make their lunches together and take them to school. 

It was important I pick them up from school each day at 1:15 or 2:45 pm. (Mondays are minimum days for Juliette and Penelope). 

My evenings needed to be free to rest, date and simply be present for my family and for a man in my life. 

I never used to rest. I never took vacations. I never used “sick days” when I had a job. 

I would work my butt off and only when I was burnt out or made a big mistake at work that I wanted to hide from afterwards would I take a day off. 

I always worked from a place of scarcity.  A place of fear.  A place of production to look cool and successful.   

After doing all the work myself that I now teach my coaching clients that all that overworking which I called “being a boss” or “hustle” was really just a big ol trauma response I learned because I never had a safe and secure home. 

My parents didn’t provide stability or consistency in money or home. 

We moved every year and never had enough of anything. 

So I learned to work hard at a young age. I got a job my senior year in high school and never looked back. 

Although I wanted to be a good kind and loving mother that listened, cooked, cared and played with her kids, I had no idea what that even looked like. 

All I got was my mom, depressed and anxious, hiding in her bedroom watching novelas all day. 

She never worked. She lived off the welfare system because she was so mentally and emotionally ill she coudn’t work. The only attention I got was when she yelled at us for bothering her. 

I never wanted that so instead I worked worked worked. (Not that that was any healthier.) 

Now that I’m 43 and I’ve addressed so many of my painful memories and learned behaviors, I know better than to work too much and not be present for my girls. 

Money doesn’t create safety in children. Presence, focused attention and love does. 

I also realized that whenever I rest, I get the best ideas and insights about my clients needs. 

I get most inspired about content creation ideas when I’m watching a fun movie, reading a fiction novel, going to church, reading The Bible, listening to music or spending time talking to my girlfriends, sisters or being on a date!

Good rest definitely creates great work. 

I show up happier and more energized for my clients after thinking about them all week. 

I make the best podcasts, videos and journal entries when I’ve had true downtime away from my desk. 

Rest recharges you. 

Rest refuels you. 

Rest inspires creativity. 

Rest makes you miss people. 

Rest gives you space to think your own thoughts. 

Make sure you’re not just listening to books, podcasts, instagram posts and youtube videos and call it rest. 

Shut off from social and tech. 

Notice if you never take a vacation for actual relaxation. 

Notice where you’re beating yourself up if you take an hour lunch to actually eat and rest away from your desk.

Notice if the only time you take work off is to run errands and go to doctor appointments. 

Stop doing that. It will catch up to you and won’t be pretty when it does. 

You need real rest. You need to hear your own internal parts speak to you. Otherwise you never have your own ideas and you’re just copying others. 

My 30 minute walk around my neighborhood is so valuable to me. It’s when God gives me the best ideas. 

I had to have a physically exhausting launch to learn that I didn’t want to do that again. But many people wouldn’t have gotten that message. They wouldn’t justified the means to the end. “Well I made $100k. Who cares if I shut down completely for 3 months. It’s worth it.”

I’m not here to survive anymore.  I want to thrive. 

I’m lucky I saw the lies in hustle culture. Its unhealthy and further embeds maladaptive behaviors like performing, producing and pleasing others. 

Sometimes you need a burn out to get lit up again. 

Sometimes you need to receive a lot to see it’s too much. 

I want to help thousands of people with my coaching but never at the expense of my physical, emotional or mental health. 

Never at the expense of my relationship with my children. 

Your work should support your life.  

Especially if you’re reading this and you’re an entrepreneur. 

Don’t leave your 9 to 5 and build yourself a job. 

What’s the point of that?

Make a career that fits the best lifestyle you want. 

Because it’s only when you have space and freedom to breathe and actually enjoy the fruits of your labor that you can actually bring your best self to your labor. 

Good rest creates great work. Always. 

Want to learn more about him and what he needs from you? Join me at my new LIVE workshop, The Mind & Heart Of A Man: Cracking The Formula to What He Actually Wants And Needs In Order to Fall In Love & Happily Commit To You on March 27th, 2024 at 12:00 pm PST where you’ll learn exactly how the male mind and heart work compared to yours and what feelings, thoughts and actions he must experience in order to make him feel like you’re the one for him. 

Click here to get all the details & secure your spot!

Let’s Connect

If this journal entry strikes a chord with you, share your thoughts with us! Join the conversation on social media, share your experiences, and let’s build a community of women empowering women. Your journey to love starts with a single step. Let this post be the catalyst for change and growth in your personal love story. Subscribe, listen, and let the transformation begin!

Want to know the 10 Hidden Masculine Traits That Keep You Overworked & Underloved? … here to download my free ebook to learn if you have them plus the 20 common masculine patterns that women struggle with.

Learn How To  Master Your God-Given Feminine Energy and Undo Unhealthy Masculine Patterns here  and Join my mini course here.

Join me and other women in my private community Feminine Freedom. If you love & respect men and marriage, focus on family, value self development and want to show up everywhere as a confident Godly feminine woman, this community is for you. Click here to join!

Listen to the Blooming Podcast where I share about all things feminine energy, faith, undoing unhealthy masculine patterns, behavior change and creating a feminine mindset.  Click here to subscribe. 

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Hi, I’m Anabell, and I’m obsessed with all things feminine attraction.

I help women remove mental blocks and limiting beliefs so you can stop procrastinating and finally be the confident feminine woman you truly desire to be.

If men and relationships feel confusing or frustrating, you want my weekly email newsletter in your inbox. I share the deep neuroscience research about men, love creation and what works in lasting relationships. 

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The go-to podcast for women looking to level up their feminine energy game (and have a great time doing it!)

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