
Ep.132 – 3 Big Misconceptions Keeping You From Mr. Right

I'm Anabell!

I help single, strong and successful  women undo unhealthy masculine patterns and master their feminine design so you can attract, connect with and keep a loving and loyal man. 

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This week, we’re diving deep into some common misconceptions about finding Mr. Right. After working with numerous women and coaching many one-on-one clients, I’ve seen firsthand the beliefs and strategies that often hold women back from true happiness and fulfillment in their relationships.

Episode Highlights:

  1. The “Mr. Right” Myth:
    • Many women believe that they’ll finally be happy once they meet Mr. Right. Society and Hollywood often reinforce this idea, suggesting that a great relationship will complete your life. But true happiness starts from within, not from finding a man.
  2. The Importance of Self-Fulfillment:
    • Before entering a relationship, it’s crucial to create a life that brings you joy and fulfillment independently. Whether it’s upgrading your living space, finding new hobbies, or nurturing your well-being, being whole on your own attracts the right kind of partner.
  3. Joy Over Happiness:
    • While happiness can be fleeting, joy is a deeper, more constant state of being. A joyful woman is more likely to attract a partner who appreciates and values her inner peace and confidence.
  4. The Role of Faith:
    • For many of us who are Christian, our faith plays a central role in our lives and relationships. A godly man seeks a partner who is secure in her relationship with Christ, someone who exudes the fruits of the Holy Spirit—joy, peace, and love.
  5. The Dangers of Codependency:
    • Relying on a man to fill emotional gaps leads to insecurity and neediness, which can push a partner away. Healthy relationships are built on interdependence, not codependency.
  6. Marriage as an Assignment:
    • Marriage isn’t an amusement park; it’s an assignment from God. It’s a commitment to serve and grow together, with both partners pouring into each other from a place of fullness and love.

Tune in to hear more about how to build a fulfilling life and attract a partner who complements your journey, not completes it. Let’s break these misconceptions and step into a place of true joy and self-assurance!


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Want to finally learn how to date securely and attract a secure masculine man that is loving and loyal? Learn the secure feminine dating strategy that helps you undo the subconscious attaching. Download The Feminine Attraction System CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

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