Why Men & Women Fall in Love Differently

Hi, I’m Anabell, and I’m obsessed with all things attraction & conection.

I help women break free from subconscious patterns that hold you back in romantic relationships, unlock your true feminine potential and attract your masculine man 

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The go-to podcast for woman looking to level up their femininity and secure attachment (and have a great time doing it!)



“Falling In Love” is not an event, but a process with distinct physical phases.

The feeling of being in love is an emotional and mental state that happens only after specific neurotransmitters (chemicals that help your cells communicate with one another) in your body are created but influenced by external experiences you have with a man. 

And surprise surprise…..men require different ones than women. Men need three neurotransmitters to be present whereas we ladies just need two to fall in love. 

Chemicals create Connection

God is a God of order and process. He made the human body perfectly with biological processes that are actually really easy to understand. They also require life and relationships to happen in a very specific order for you to reap the benefits of healthy attraction, love and long lasting commitment. 

When you understand your internal system, how it functions, why he feels how he feels and does what he does and how these chemicals are influenced by your experiences with him, you’ll be able to feel more in charge of the dating experience and feel extremely confident everytime you communicate with a man. 

The Feel-Good Chemicals

A woman has to have two neurotransmitters, dopamine and oxytocin, that build up to a certain level in order for her to be attracted to a man and ultimately fall in love. 

Men need three, testosterone, vasopressin and dopamine. These 3 are critically important because they help him experience the feelings of attraction, drive to court you, bonding, and then committing which he will only do when he’s in love. 

Different Chemicals & Different Levels

Dopamine is the common denominator between men and women. However, because men and women fall in love differently, it appears that a woman falls in love when her dopamine and oxytocin levels reach a certain level. 

In a man, dopamine, vasopressin and testosterone levels must increase to a certain level but they must be present for a longer period of time. Men oftentimes take a lot longer to fall in love and this is why dating and relationships can feel challenging because of the different speeds and time at which each gender falls in love. 

 Dopamine & Testosterone

Dopamine is the feel good chemical you produce every time you enjoy yourself with someone or while doing something. This trains your brain to know what you like. Most types of rewards – such as food, drugs and sex – increase dopamine. The increase is perceived as pleasurable and makes you want more. 

Testosterone is the chemical men are born with that shapes them into a lean, mean chasing machine. When a man sees a woman he’s attracted to, his body fills with testosterone and shoots him into action towards her. It’s responsible for making him pursue a woman, claim her and guard his mate aka commit. 

 Vasopressin & Oxytocin

Oxytocin has been called the “love hormone” because it goes up when people are in love but also because it creates the loving bond between mother and child. Oxytocin is created in both men and women after they have an orgasm.

Vasopressin is very similar to oxytocin and is present in high levels in men that have bonded with a woman. This chemical is what men produce after they overcome a challenge or stress with another person. It makes them feel like they’re with someone they can count on to overcome a tough situation. This chemical helps a man view a person as a “team player.”

Your Chemical Romance

You learned that  4 essential neurotransmitters are necessary for men and women to fall in love. 

Men need testosterone, vasopressin and dopamine and women need dopamine and oxytocin.

Women, however, can tend to fall in love faster which can make relationships feel risky and anxiety provoking. And because love is a major need of a woman, you can tend to want to speed up the process so you feel better quicker. 

However, men need the essential component of TIME which flies in the face of a woman’s goal to feel the love ASAP. 

In my next posts I’ll share the steps and specific gender behaviors necessary to easily create these chemical reactions in your partner.

Let’s Connect

Want to finally attract masculine men that are loving and loyal? Learn the feminine dating strategy that he MUST EXPERIENCE with you in order to fall in love & commit all on his own!  The Feminine Attraction System is your answer to masculine love and feminine confidence in a relationship.   CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

Learn the 10 Behaviors That Are Pushing Him Away CLICK HERE  to download my free guide to learn what they are so you can start attracting him.  

Listen to the Blooming Podcast where I share about all things feminine energy, faith, undoing unhealthy masculine patterns, behavior change and creating a feminine mindset.  CLICK HERE

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To connect with me on Instagram, go here: @anabell.ingleton

Learn more about me and my coaching. Visit https://anabellingleton.co

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Hi, I’m Anabell, and I’m obsessed with all things feminine attraction.

I help women remove mental blocks and limiting beliefs so you can stop procrastinating and finally be the confident feminine woman you truly desire to be.

If men and relationships feel confusing or frustrating, you want my weekly email newsletter in your inbox. I share the deep neuroscience research about men, love creation and what works in lasting relationships. 

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The go-to podcast for women looking to level up their feminine energy game (and have a great time doing it!)

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