3 Ways To Increase Your Feminine Energy Today

Hi, I’m Anabell, and I’m obsessed with all things Jesus & womanhood.

I help women master their God-given feminine design so they can be the woman, wife, and mother God created you to be. 

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The go-to podcast for people looking to level Up their emotional and mental health game (and have a great time doing it!)

1. Go for a long drive with a friend and ask them to drive. 

Your masculine energy would tell them how to drive, where to go or question why they’re taking a certain route. But not the feminine you!  Swipe left for tips on how to allow them to take the wheel and lead.

Sit back. Relax. Take a deep breath. Look at the surroundings. Be the DJ and enjoy the music. Sing. Have a fun conversation with your friend.


Close your eyes and get into your body and out of your head. Feel the speed of the car accelerating or the bumps on the road . Listen to sounds of the car, the road or other cars. Listen to the music or focus on the conversation you’re having.Remember who you’re with and why you trust them and why they’re a perfect fit to drive today.

2. Invite a friend or partner to eat and allow them to choose the restaurant

The feminine wants to know who others truly are, is open to connect with them in their environment and receive what they have to offer.


Look around and observe your surroundings and find things you enjoy about the restaurant. Share them with your friend and express your emotions about it, including the food you eat. “It’s so cozy here.” or “I’m really excited to experience a new restaurant with you.”


Tell them what you like and don’t like or any dietary restrictions you have.  Look at your meal when it arrives, taste it and find joy in the new meal what you received. Express what you like about it.

3. Take a new dance or workout class

The feminine has her own personal interests & hobbies and invests time, energy and money in herself. She will ask for support from mentors that can help her learn new skills and is willing to try new things.


Getting in your body and out of your head is the goal here. Moving your body simply for the joy of it and not as something to have to accomplish, even better.

Allowing someone to teach you how to move your body whether it’s to learn a new dance or workout routine is truly feminine, especially in a group!

Is there a new dance or ballet class, pilates class or rumba workout at your gym you can sign up for?

Allow yourself to make mistakes & stay in your body and focus on your physical movement .


Notice how both allowing someone to lead, make decisions for you and trying new things can create a feeling of unease or discomfort in you?

This is because you’re accustomed to being in your masculine and in control as a means to feel safe.

Being in your feminine is about trusting others to lead so you can receive, rest and find joy, safety and security in following, lettIng go and simply being you.

Want to learn more about him and what he needs from you? Join me at my new LIVE workshop, The Mind & Heart Of A Man: Cracking The Formula to What He Actually Wants And Needs In Order to Fall In Love & Happily Commit To You on March 27th, 2024 at 12:00 pm PST where you’ll learn exactly how the male mind and heart work compared to yours and what feelings, thoughts and actions he must experience in order to make him feel like you’re the one for him. 

Click here to get all the details & secure your spot!

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If this journal entry strikes a chord with you, share your thoughts with us! Join the conversation on social media, share your experiences, and let’s build a community of women empowering women. Your journey to love starts with a single step. Let this post be the catalyst for change and growth in your personal love story. Subscribe, listen, and let the transformation begin!

Want to know the 10 Hidden Masculine Traits That Keep You Overworked & Underloved? …..click here to download my free ebook to learn if you have them plus the 20 common masculine patterns that women struggle with.

Learn How To  Master Your God-Given Feminine Energy and Undo Unhealthy Masculine Patterns here  and Join my mini course here.

Join me and other women in my private community Feminine Freedom. If you love & respect men and marriage, focus on family, value self development and want to show up everywhere as a confident Godly feminine woman, this community is for you. Click here to join!

Listen to the Blooming Podcast where I share about all things feminine energy, faith, undoing unhealthy masculine patterns, behavior change and creating a feminine mindset.  Click here to subscribe. 

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Hi, I’m Anabell, and I’m obsessed with all things behavioral change.

I help women remove mental blocks and limiting beliefs so you can stop procrastinating and finally be the confident feminine woman you truly desire to be.

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The go-to podcast for people looking to level Up their emotional and mental health game (and have a great time doing it!)

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