Self-Awareness Saves Your Goals

Hi, I’m Anabell, and I’m obsessed with all things attraction & conection.

I help women break free from subconscious patterns that hold you back in romantic relationships, unlock your true feminine potential and attract your masculine man 

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The go-to podcast for woman looking to level up their femininity and secure attachment (and have a great time doing it!)



Humans aren’t naturally rational.

Which means when it comes to taking action…You don’t automatically go towards logical or analytical thinking and you’ll always be more inclined to use your instinctive and pleasure-seeking desire first.

This is normal but almost always not helpful when it comes to reaching your goal.


Because most goals stretch you and the steps you must take daily are typically momentarily “painful” so your mind will always tell you to stop, reschedule it or hit entirely.

Why is this important?

When you know this about you, you can stay aware and practice Self leadership to check the parts of you that look at your goal strategy as a “problem” and then start fixing for that with problem-fixing behavior like Instagram scrolling, food snacking, “resting” or listening to a podcast.

This is why knowing your SPB (self protective behavior) and your problem-fixing behaviors is ESSENTIAL so that when you find yourself doing them, you can empathize and redirect back your scheduled goal strategy!

Goals feel painful. They’re supposed to.

And when you reach your goal you’ll know you’re one of the top 1% of people that can do hard things, you’re powerful, consistent, trustworthy and accomplished.

Reaching a goal gives you the end result you wanted: a smaller waist, more money each month, a healthier and happier marriage, peace of mind. All amazing to have.

But goal setting and accomplishing it are for far more than the end result.

The self trust and confidence you feel and after doing something difficult is truly priceless. It’s like earning internal capital.

Value in your internal system.

A place where your parts see you as someone who can be followed and trusted.


You create a subconscious that starts letting you drive the car whenever you want. And when you can drive the car more often, you’ll notice you’ll able to get to your destination even faster and with more ease.

Cheers to driving fast and being trusted.

Want to learn more about him and what he needs from you? Join me at my new LIVE workshop, The Mind & Heart Of A Man: Cracking The Formula to What He Actually Wants And Needs In Order to Fall In Love & Happily Commit To You on March 27th, 2024 at 12:00 pm PST where you’ll learn exactly how the male mind and heart work compared to yours and what feelings, thoughts and actions he must experience in order to make him feel like you’re the one for him. 

Click here to get all the details & secure your spot!

Hi, I’m Anabell, and I’m obsessed with all things feminine attraction.

I help women remove mental blocks and limiting beliefs so you can stop procrastinating and finally be the confident feminine woman you truly desire to be.

If men and relationships feel confusing or frustrating, you want my weekly email newsletter in your inbox. I share the deep neuroscience research about men, love creation and what works in lasting relationships. 

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The go-to podcast for women looking to level up their feminine energy game (and have a great time doing it!)

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