The Mind & Heart Of A Man

Hi, I’m Anabell, and I’m obsessed with all things attraction & conection.

I help women break free from subconscious patterns that hold you back in romantic relationships, unlock your true feminine potential and attract your masculine man 

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The go-to podcast for woman looking to level up their femininity and secure attachment (and have a great time doing it!)



Have you ever wondered why you feel like you’re doing all the right things with a man but he doesn’t respond the way you want him to? 

Have you had a man say the dreaded “it’s not you, it’s me. Right now just isn’t the right time for me to be in a relationship.”

Have you dated a man and everything seemed good and felt it was moving along smoothly when he just stopped reaching out and claimed he was super busy? 

Or worse, men are approaching you, but it’s all the wrong guys. They don’t have their stuff together or are emotionally unavailable.  

This is very common among women who are used to operating in their masculine energy. 

This wonderful results-getting behavior helped you become the strong woman you now are.  You got a bomb career, you’re organized, you’re a planner, are great in a crisis and girl, you’re a bomb mother to your babies. 

But this amazing hustle mode is oftentimes being brought over into your romantic relationship or when meeting new men and it’s the number one killer to love.

This drive you have, the ability to get things done efficiently and quickly is beyond powerful at work and at home but actually makes you a failure with men.

Allow me to explain why.

Masculine energy is about action and getting results. It’s about taking results-oriented action. The masculine focuses on doing, solving, fixing, completing, analyzing, thinking, decision making, logistics, figuring out, planning, leading, execution and giving. Masculine energy seeks to take action to create a result. It’s transactional in nature. 

Men stay in their head because they are problem solvers by nature. They are logical thinkers and use this trait to get things done. 

They’re purpose is to be protectors, providers and committed procreators. 

They need respect, acceptance and challenges. 

Feminine energy is about feeling, sensing, expressing, receiving, allowing, flowing, intuiting and following.

But when you’ve  learned to operate in your masculine of “accomplishing” and “giving”, you unintentionally bring this energy to your man and literally repels him.

You might be thinking, “But Anabell, I’m not repelling men, I have a boyfriend” or “I’m dating a great guy.” 

But if you’re reading this, I’m willing to bet that you’re not feeling fully loved, truly seen or taken care of by him. 

You feel like if you show him or tell him the truth about who you are or let him in on what you actually want from a relationship, you’re worried he’ll think it’s “too much”, “you’re needy” or “extra and asking for a lot.”

This happens because when you’re dating a man and aren’t using your feminine energy of feeling, following and receiving, you instead try to be the thinking, leader and giver. 



Men do not know how to respond to this energy because it confuses him. And when a man is confused, he does nothing

On one hand he has a beautiful and smart woman standing in front of him or on the other end of his text messages, and he’s attracted to her physically but she feels like his friend or coworker. 

He doesn’t know whether to ask you on a date so he can kiss you or hang out with you and talk about work. 

You leading a conversation with thoughts, questions and big opinions forces him to stay in his head and strategize. He feels like he’s on the job. It feels like work. 

When what he really wants is to relax, stop thinking and just have fun and experience those  feel-good emotions a feminine woman allows him to access with her chill and peaceful vibe. 

You have to learn to be in your feminine in order to get him to access the 3 important stages in a relationship that make him interested in & attracted to you, strongly connected to you and deeply bonded with you. 

Only a woman in her feminine energy can do this. Period. 

You must learn how his mind works and what his heart needs so you can allow him to experience what every man deeply desires: the relaxing and yet successful parts of him he never knew existed and he can only get from being with you. 

This is why I created my new live workshop, The Mind & Heart Of A Man: Cracking The Formula to What He Actually Wants And Needs In Order to Fall In Love & Happily Commit To You.

In this workshop you’ll learn exactly how the male mind and heart work compared to yours and what feelings, thoughts and actions he must experience in order to make him feel like you’re the one for him. 

On March 27th at 12:00 pm PST you’ll learn the unique ways he experiences you and what makes him interested in learning more about you, attracted to you to the point that he will take the lead without you ever convincing or feeling like you have to be the initiator. 

You’ll learn the 3 emotions he MUST feel that keep him coming back for more and excited to continue dating you. 

You’ll learn the most common misconception women make about men that have them sabotaging their love life and keeps you single!

You’ll learn why the guy you want is not asking to see you even though he’s texting you and telling you he’s interested.  

You’ll learn the 3 neurochemicals that surge through his body when he’s interested in, connecting with and bonding to you and exactly how YOU can create them in his body.

You’ll learn about the most important experience a man must have with you that lets him know you’re someone he can trust and that you’re the one for him. 

You’ll learn how to use your emotions to bring him closer to you.

The female archetype all men crave and want to commit to and exactly how to embody her. 

And most importantly you’ll learn all the details about his inner world and exactly how to navigate it. 

You wouldn’t use pesos in California to buy groceries at Whole Foods, why would you use female strategies on a man?

You can’t. It wont work.  It will leave you feeling frustrated, confused and worse, like you’re doing something wrong. 

You’re not doing something wrong with him. Those masculine energy strategies of hustling and leading are great at work and effective when he uses them with you!  

You’re just using the wrong information and wrong strategy with him. 

I’m here to give you the playbook (all the correct information & strategy) so you can use it on the right court (with men). 

You deserve to win in love too and I’ll help you get there easily and confidently. 

You’ll experience him in ways you never thought possible. You’ll feel taken care of, led and loved. 

Let’s Connect

Want to finally attract masculine men that are loving and loyal? Learn the feminine dating strategy that he MUST EXPERIENCE with you in order to fall in love & commit all on his own!  The Feminine Attraction System is your answer to masculine love and feminine confidence in a relationship.   CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

Learn the 10 Behaviors That Are Pushing Him Away CLICK HERE  to download my free guide to learn what they are so you can start attracting him.  

Listen to the Blooming Podcast where I share about all things feminine energy, faith, undoing unhealthy masculine patterns, behavior change and creating a feminine mindset.  CLICK HERE

Follow me on TikTok by CLICKING HERE  

To connect with me on Instagram, go here: @anabell.ingleton

Learn more about me and my coaching. Visit

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Hi, I’m Anabell, and I’m obsessed with all things feminine attraction.

I help women remove mental blocks and limiting beliefs so you can stop procrastinating and finally be the confident feminine woman you truly desire to be.

If men and relationships feel confusing or frustrating, you want my weekly email newsletter in your inbox. I share the deep neuroscience research about men, love creation and what works in lasting relationships. 

This form will subscribe you to our email list, You may unsubscribe at any time, though doing so means we cannot contact you about any future events, programs or sales. 

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The go-to podcast for women looking to level up their feminine energy game (and have a great time doing it!)

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