Men need respect, work, purpose, sex, appreciation, and recreational hobbies.
Men feel “loved” when they feel respected.
They feel respected when they overcome challenges, they’re successful, needed, appreciated, acknowledged, encouraged and accepted to be themselves.
They feel appreciated when they provide and protect/lead, accomplish things, solve problems, overcome obstacles, get results.
They provide and protect when they’re given the opportunity to give.
They give to those who need and want to receive.
Women, however need love, affection and support.
Women feel loved when we connect & bond with another via conversation.
Women feel supported when we are provided for and protected….when others give their time, energy or money. Their Resources.
What happens when you give to a man?
Men are protected and provided for by their parents when they’re boys.
They had parents providing when they were not capable of doing things themselves.
So when someone gives to them, praises without knowing them well, or wants to bond or give trust quickly, men think something is off. It feels wrong.
Because men inherently know that they are supposed to protect and provide for a woman, not receive.
Men understand they are leaders and should be GIVING a woman his time, effort, plans, protection, care, support, etc.
So when women try to give to men, it feels wrong & actually makes them feel like failures.
Men do not bond through conversation or receiving. They feel bonded to and successful with people or experiences that require he be challenged to give and work hard.
A man feels respectable and capable when he achieves, especially with a woman.
Men commit to women that help him feel successful.
He will feel bonded to you when you require he give and you receive.
Let’s Connect
Want to finally attract masculine men that are loving and loyal? Learn the feminine dating strategy that he MUST EXPERIENCE with you in order to fall in love & commit all on his own! The Feminine Attraction System is your answer to masculine love and feminine confidence in a relationship. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE
Learn the 10 Behaviors That Are Pushing Him Away CLICK HERE to download my free guide to learn what they are so you can start attracting him.
Listen to the Blooming Podcast where I share about all things feminine energy, faith, undoing unhealthy masculine patterns, behavior change and creating a feminine mindset. CLICK HERE
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