Welcome! If you’re here then you’re a normal woman just like me. You crave up-leveling your mind and business and you’re always looking to learn something new.
The Mindset Makeover Class is a digital community, podcast show and soon-to-be online course (*does happy dance with glass of wine in hand) that helps women learn the skills to completely change their “personal reality” by changing their personality. Sound weird? It’s not. Just real tactical (and super easy) tools that will allow you to create the dream life, relationship and business you’ve only ever dreamed of. And all it takes is changing some habits you didn’t even know you had.
I desired a place where women in all industries and stages in life could learn, share ideas and just plain support one another. And because I’ve created a podcast show in the past, I knew I could do it again!
I’m simply doing what my marketing mentor Gary Vaynerchuk says to do……I’m hosting the party….and I’m inviting YOU personally to attend and have VIP access to.
I’m hoping The Mindset Makeover Class Podcast becomes what I aspire it to be: a place, both on and offline, where we get our mindsets made over.


Subconscious Reprogramming
A simple, yet powerful process to change subconscious beliefs that are self-limiting and self-sabotaging. A process that transcends the standard methods of visualization, affirmations, will power, and positive thinking especially effective in the areas of behavioral/habit change, wellness and stress reduction.

One on One Coaching
My 1 on 1 private coaching program takes you from trauma to triumph. I help you uncover your root cause trauma(s), show you the tools to heal them, how to self-regulate and co-regulate your emotions/nervous system (aka feel calm and relaxed) and then learn all the mindset strategies that transform you into an actionable Annie where you can accomplish any goal you have.

Group Coaching
The Mindset Makeover Class program is a group coaching experience where you go from anxious to awesome. You work with other amazing women like yourself and learn the tools to find your root cause trauma, rewire your nervous system from survival to feeling uber safe and discover the tools to create an environment that supports you to set goals you’re inspired to achieve!