Jun 29, 2020
Jun 29, 2020
If you’re like me and you’ve beaten yourself up for not keeping your word to yourself, not committing to your goals, or finding excuses not to complete the task your past self wanted you to do, IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT. I’ll write it again, IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT. Your mind is just doing its job. It’s keeping you safe, alive and comfortable.
Jun 29, 2020
Jun 28, 2020
Jun 28, 2020
Understanding how the brain/mind work helped me a lot more gentle on myself because I learned that there’s a lot going on upstairs that I wasn’t in full control of. I’m hoping this information can help you understand how amazing our mind is.
Jun 28, 2020
Jun 12, 2020
Jun 12, 2020
Ok friends. I’m doing it. I asked and you answered yes! I’m humbled that you would want to know what I’m up to so I’m going to package this all up in a fun and informative way that is easy to consume. I’m going to be sharing my online business journey towards my Mindset Coach certification as well as my road toward building my very own coaching business.
Jun 12, 2020