He Needs Your Respect. Not Your Love.

Hi, I’m Anabell, and I’m obsessed with all things faith & relationship.

I help women master their feminine softness so they can attract a loving and loyal masculine man that protects and provides. 

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The go-to podcast for woman looking to level up their femininity and secure attachment (and have a great time doing it!)



When I share this concept with my clients, they’re shocked and how well it works and helps them get the perfect man for them. 

When you think of a romantic relationship, you don’t exactly think of prince charming as a man you longingly respect. 

But this is actually what you need in order to choose the right man for you. 

The man that you want to adore, trust and spend eternity with doesn’t necessarily want or need your love.  

What he desperately wants is your respect.

Respect FEELS like love to him and it drives him crazy in the best kind of way. 

Allow me to explain. 

Respect is actually harder to feel for him, which is a game changer when it comes to connecting with him and eventually falling in love. 


Well…if you’ve been a follower of my content, you know that men fall in love differently than women. 

He has a totally different identity and roles in this world. And biologically, his physical needs are totally different than yours. 


Men take longer to fall in love with a woman and this is one of the reasons why women are failing at love. 

You don’t. 

Women actually fall in love quite quickly. 

And it’s because of this that makes dating feel hard and uncomfortable. 

Why? Because he’s barely in the “getting to know you” phase and you’ve already pictured your whole life with him and decided he’d be perfect for you. 

You want commitment to ensure he won’t be with anyone else but he’s busy just experiencing tonight’s steak at dinner. 

Men love dating. He loves to spend time with you, go to different places and experience lots of unique and surprising things with you. 

He wants to see you in different outfits, express different emotions and hear you tell him different stories about your life. 

He wants to learn about you and he is PATIENT when it comes to you. 

He wants to make this time last because believe it or not, a man knows that if you’re the one this might be his last time dating.

And he wants to pick right. 

You see, men don’t want to fail at anything. Even love. 

A man with secure attachment wants to get married and stay married. 

He wants to be successful at being a husband and making you happy. 

But first he wants to see if he CAN make you happy. 

The way he learns this is by spending lots of time with you while dating. 

Secure men don’t rush. He uses all the information he has about you and chooses you with his logic and emotions.  

And if you’re anxious, fall too quickly, or don’t know how to date “securely”, you won’t enjoy the dating process. Not only that, if you’re in love with him by the 3rd date, your energy will come through as too forward and into him. 


He needs to feel a bit of uncertainty about your feelings for him in order to keep him interested, invested and challenged with you. 

This isn’t playing hard to get. 

This is “I don’t respect you yet.” 



Make him earn your respect. 

If THIS is the objective when you’re getting to know him instead of being enamored and all warm and fuzzy, you’ll notice that this feeling takes a bit longer to build inside of you. 

And this keeps him COMPLETELY engaged on YOU. 


Remember, there are other women around him and available to him. He’s a good man and women recognize that. He knows he has options. 

But if you’re the only one not throwing yourself at him, sleeping with him on the first date (a beginners move!) and instead you’re busy with work, unattached to him and unimpressed by his basic must-haves like a career and a clean car….

His eyes will be on you and he’ll work harder to get you. 

But this CANNOT happen if you’re already smitten, enamored and head over heels the morning after. 

Allow your time together to help you decide whether you respect him or not. Take your time. 

It will allow his love to catch up to your respect and you’ll have a relationship that feels heavenly!

It’s equal. Even. And well paced. 

Not only that but his pursuit to earn your respect will only make you feel more loved and adored by him. It will make you feel more secure that he cares about you and wants only you. 

It’s a win win. 

So how do you stop yourself from falling from him so quickly and pushing him away? 

This only happens when you’re securely attached internally. 

Meaning, if your love and attention in your own life doesn’t feel like enough, you’ll desperately believe that you need love from a man and thus your behaviors will be more pushy and controlling. 

This can push him away since he NEEDS time and mystery to pursue you. 

You need to build a secure attachment inside of yourself in order to allow the way men fall in love to occur naturally. 

Time is your best friend in dating. 

Separation is your best friend in dating. 

Receiving is your best friend in dating. 

High standards are your best friend in dating. 

But these are the 3 things that women with insecure attachment cannot manage. 

Waiting freaks you out. 

Being apart freaks you out. 

Not being able to give him things or allow him to plan freaks you out. 

Setting high standards for a man and for yourself feel impossible. 

But they’re what he needs to be attracted to you, connect to you and commit to you willingly and happily. 

And they’re what you need to build a solid foundation in a relationship, feel deeply loved by him and completely trust him when he’s around you or away. 

Internal secure attachment, the feeling and deep knowing that you love and trust yourself is the missing piece to the kind of relationship you dream of. 

And creating internal secure attachment is exactly what SEGURA helps you do. 

In SEGURA, In Segura 1:1 coaching, we take a private and personalized approach to your future relationship success. 


You see, successful romantic relationships need two healthy people that love themselves and their lives but WANT to spend their life with a great person. 

There are 3 parts to successful love. A healthy woman + a healthy man = a loving and fun relationship.




So you need to be a healthy you, pick a healthy man and create a loving and safe “us” aka relationship.

And most women that haven’t succeeded at love are because they have fear, distrust or confusion about one of the three parts: men, self or relationships. 

Fear makes you avoid men.

Distrust makes you stay in full control of them. 

Confusion makes you give up all power and let someone else make decisions for you. 

And sweetie, none of those work in real life and they definitely don’t work in romantic relationships. 

Fear keeps you single or subconsciously choosing emotionally unavailable men that won’t commit to you. 

Distrust makes you stay in control which manifests as you people pleasing, over giving with gifts and sex or trying to totally change him into another man. 

Confusion will make you feel in love one day and break up the next, causing you to look erratic, unstable and 

Our work together helps you uncover all the blocks you have with yourself, him and relationships. 

Because if you don’t love & trust yourself you’ll only choose men with potential because you won’t believe you deserve better. 

If you don’t feel safe or trust a man, you’ll push him away if you manage to attract a good man. 

If you don’t feel safe in a committed relationship, you’ll sabotage it by choosing a man that doesn’t have the skills to have a successful romantic relationship.   

READ THAT A FEW TIMES. This is REALLY important to remember. 

Either one leaves you alone, frustrated and feeling like you’re unlovable and not enough.

In SEGURA we focus on these 3 parts in order to find, understand and remove any all blocks against loving and trusting yourself, men or relationships. 

Awareness of these blocks makes your brain completely let them go on its own. 

It’s like magic. 

You need:

  • Security (I love and trust me) (You heal from heartbreak, loss and rejection)
  • Femininity & Connection (you have to be able to share your standards and true self, create experiences not ask questions or being in your head or search your way to peace) 
  • Consciously Choosing a partner (use logic and emotion) you have to be able to delay gratification)

If you don’t have these, you:

  • Settle for men with potential (EU men, cheaters, not a good match, feminine, losers, liars)
  • Sabotage the good men (push them away with your insecurity, neediness, control or anger)
  • Can’t work through conflict and all long term relationships have it. 

If you’re not confident in yourself, your life feels lonely, you always feel like something is missing and you act needy and desperate when single. 

If you’re not certain about men, who won’t feel comfortable with a man. You will feel insecure energy when dating, in his presence and especially when he’s away. This makes you feel out of control and anxious and can manifest by being controlling. This looks like changing yourself so he likes you or changing him which causes him to pull away as he feels pressured and unaccepted. 

If you’re not safe in relationships, you won’t enjoy the beautiful and fun process of falling in love and you’ll rush the process into commitment and pick a man based on emotions, not data or because you enjoyed time with him and you both pair well. 

Secure attachment is the key and it’s what SEGURA helps you finally have forever. 

It’s a skillset and it can be learned no matter how old you are, what happened in your past or how many failed relationships you’ve had. 

Ready to feel secure when you’re single AND when you’re with him so you can feel patient and confident about how he feels for you?

SEGURA is the program for you.

Segura is for the strong and successful woman that has everything but her love life together.

I work with you 1 on 1 to find, understand and permanently remove the blocks you have against trusting and loving yourself, men and relationships.

We work together for 3 whole months and meet every week to build the skill of secure attachment!

I currently have 4 more spots still available to fill.

Click here to schedule your free 30 minute consultation with me to ask questions, learn more about the program and secure your spot in SEGURA this Fall.

Hi, I’m Anabell, and I’m obsessed with all things feminine attraction.

I help women remove mental blocks and limiting beliefs so you can stop procrastinating and finally be the confident feminine woman you truly desire to be.

If men and relationships feel confusing or frustrating, you want my weekly email newsletter in your inbox. I share the deep neuroscience research about men, love creation and what works in lasting relationships. 

This form will subscribe you to our email list, You may unsubscribe at any time, though doing so means we cannot contact you about any future events, programs or sales. 

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The go-to podcast for women looking to level up their feminine energy game (and have a great time doing it!)

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He Needs Your Respect. Not Your Love.

When I share this concept with my clients, they’re shocked and how well it works and helps them get the perfect man for them.  When you think of a romantic relationship, you don’t exactly think of prince charming as a man you longingly respect.  But this is actually what you need in order to choose […]

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