Why He’s Pulling Away (It’s Not What You Think)

Hi, I’m Anabell, and I’m obsessed with all things attraction & conection.

I help women break free from subconscious patterns that hold you back in romantic relationships, unlock your true feminine potential and attract your masculine man 

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The go-to podcast for woman looking to level up their femininity and secure attachment (and have a great time doing it!)



You’ve felt it before: the shift in his energy. He’s distant, distracted, pulling away. Maybe he says, “I just need space,” or worse, he says nothing at all. It stings, doesn’t it? But here’s the truth no one tells you:

It’s not that he isn’t ready to be close.

He’s just not ready to be close with you.

Wait… what?

Before your heart tightens, thinking this is about how you look or what you have to offer—it’s not. It’s about the experience you’re creating within him. Connection isn’t about how much time you spend together or what you say; it’s about how you make a man feel.

And here’s the shift:

When a man pulls away in a relationship, it’s because he’s been stuck in his head about you. You may have moved him out of his heart.

But how do you move a man into his heart? And why do you need to? 

Your heart must be open for his to be open. His heart is where he accesses his emotions and how he connects to you on an emotional level and not just surface attraction. 

Most women don’t realize they’re emotionally unavailable even within relationships. Guarded. Self-protective. Strategizing every conversation, overanalyzing his behavior, trying to control the connection. These aren’t signs of strength. They’re symptoms of fear — fear of being seen, fear of rejection, fear of not being enough.

And men? They feel that fear.

Not consciously. It doesn’t register as, “I’m scared of her.” But something feels off. He can’t quite put his finger on it. The emotional connection feels flat. The attraction fades. He feels confused, restless, disconnected.

You know what’s really happening?

He feels you as a threat.

Not because you’re intimidating. But because your fear sends out an invisible signal: “It’s not safe here. Don’t open up. Stay guarded.”

And so, he does. He closes off.

But when your heart is open — when you’re emotionally available —  no longer performing, proving, or protecting yourself — something magical happens.

He feels safe. Safe to relax. Safe to be vulnerable. Safe to connect.

Because when a man is in his heart, that’s where his protector and provider live. That’s where love grows. That’s where he feels the pull to give, to claim you, to cherish you.

The real problem? You fear being fully loved. You fear being seen. And that fear closes your heart.

But here’s the key:

If your heart is closed, you will never access his. Your souls will never connect and feel true love. 

Men don’t make you feel unloved. They mirror the love you withhold from yourself.

So, if your man has pulled away, it’s time to ask:

Am I emotionally unavailable? 

Emotional unavailability isn’t a personality flaw. It’s the result of an emotional wound—born from past neglect, rejection, or abandonment. But wounds can heal. Hearts can reopen. 

Being emotionally unavailable is your heart being closed and guarded.

What you’re experiencing is a broken and guarded heart. When a person was supposed to love you, protect you and accept you… didn’t, now relationships continue to feel like an unsafe place to be. A place where you won’t get your needs met. The need to be seen, heard, understood, accepted and loved.  Now you subconsciously approach all relationships from fear, even though consciously want to give and receive love. 

Emotional wounds, unless addressed and healed, will be like open wounds, sensitive and painful. You’ll want to protect them so they aren’t touched, seen or known about because if seen, they can be vulnerable to more pain. 

When emotional wounds are not healed, you will want a relationship and deep connection with a man, but at the same time fear it. 

And when you’re operating from fear, it’s like having on an armored suit, a shield and a sword, ready to defend or attack your threat at any moment.

Sure you may look soft, beautiful and feminine externally.  But internally, it’s like you’re stuck in time from when those original wounds occurred you’re operating from that injured place.

You feel like an armored and armed soldier ready to attack to defend yourself. 

The tough part? 

Because men are single focused, can only do one thing at a time, if he’s busy defending himself from you, he can’t do what he wants to do which is get close to you, know you, love you and protect YOU. 

So what’s the solution? 

You have to find, understand and remove those walls/blocks/guards from your heart. Once you do, your heart will be whole, open and you will feel safe and confident and loving who you really are. You will finally be “emotionally available” and men will gravitate towards you. 

Your true feminine essence will shine through. You will start attracting so many men because your energy feels soft, welcoming, and joyful. You will be truly open hearted, ready to receive love and available and willing to give it. This can shift all your thoughts, emotions and behaviors alone. It’s beyond powerful.

When you open your heart, you don’t have to convince him to come back.

He wants to come back.

Because he feels something warm, welcoming, and feminine:

You. Fully open. Fully seen. Fully loved.

Because when your heart is open, it allows him to open his. When a man’s heart is open, this is where his true identity lives. His masculine leader, protector and provider. 

He fills with testosterone and it makes him want to go to you, love and protect you. 

Your open heart is the key to his love and masculine leadership. He’ll be inspired to step up, show up and give to you. 

You’ll respect him, trust him and he’ll feel like a hero. 

Yes, this is possible no matter how long you’ve been guarded, anxious or in a relationship. 

My recent divorce left me so heart broken and scared to get close to man. 

I used these new techniques and within 2 months I was transformed, feeling calm, loving and open for a new love. I felt amazing and finally free. 

If you’re ready to reignite your relationship or finally feel confident and feminine when starting to date again, Segura is for you. 

This is the 16-week program that takes you from guarded to open-hearted and ready to give and receive love with excitement.  

DM me on Instagram with the word “OPEN” and I’ll send you the details to Segura, the program where you transform to finally be emotionally available, open hearted and deeply connected to your your man. 

I’m accepting only 10 women into Segura this month so act fast to not miss your spot.

Hi, I’m Anabell, and I’m obsessed with all things feminine attraction.

I help women remove mental blocks and limiting beliefs so you can stop procrastinating and finally be the confident feminine woman you truly desire to be.

If men and relationships feel confusing or frustrating, you want my weekly email newsletter in your inbox. I share the deep neuroscience research about men, love creation and what works in lasting relationships. 

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The go-to podcast for women looking to level up their feminine energy game (and have a great time doing it!)

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