The Real Reason You’re NOT Interested In Men That Like And Pursue You

Hi, I’m Anabell, and I’m obsessed with all things attraction & conection.

I help women break free from subconscious patterns that hold you back in romantic relationships, unlock your true feminine potential and attract your masculine man 

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The go-to podcast for woman looking to level up their femininity and secure attachment (and have a great time doing it!)



Do you ever wonder why you’re not into the men who are genuinely into you? But you’re obsessed with the ones who barely look your way? Ima break. This.  down. 

The men who pursue you? You’re actually your truest self around them. You’re not overthinking or trying to impress. You’re in your spirit—detached from any outcome. And guess what? That’s *super attractive.* They’re drawn to your authenticity, your ease, and your honesty.  

But those men you’re *crazy* attracted to? The ones you desperately want? That’s a different story. Around them, you go into what I call ‘take mode.’ It’s like this primal, ‘Give me that!’ energy. You’re acting out of fear and craving, not confidence. From your flesh.  

And here’s the kicker: when you’re in that space, it feels *intrusive* to men. They pick up on it, even subconsciously, and it gives them the ick. That ‘I gotta have him’ energy? It pushes them away.”  

So here’s the lesson: the men who want you, are responding to the real you—calm, secure, and radiant. The men you chase? You’re leading with neediness, and it’s repelling. The key? Stay in your spirit, not your flesh, and let the right man come to you and respond to him…stop reacting to  

The men who *want you* see the real YOU—the calm, radiant, authentic woman who’s at ease in her spirit. That’s why they’re drawn to you.  

But the men you *chase*? They don’t actually know the real you. Why? Because when you’re in *take mode*—driven by that primal, “I’ve got to have him!” energy—you’re acting out of fear, not confidence. That energy hides your true, magnetic self.  

And here’s the truth: if they *did* see the real you, they *would* like you. They’d be just as drawn to your authentic spirit as the men who pursue you. But when you lead with insecurity, it pushes them away before they even get the chance.  

💡 *Here’s the good news:* You can shift this. 

You can step into your spirit and let all men see the *real* you—the woman who’s confident, secure, and effortlessly magnetic. And when you do? You’ll attract the right man who adores you for who you truly are.  

✨ Want to learn how to unlock this version of yourself and have ALL men drawn to your authentic spirit? Click here to secure your free seat to my new free training: *The Winner Method.* 💕  

This proven method helps you attract a man who *adores you,* matches your effort, and makes you a priority in his life—because he sees your true value. 💫  

If you want to learn how to be the woman who attracts men by being your kind self, click here to save your free seat to my new  free training, The Winner Method, the proven method that helps you attract a man that adores you, matches your effort and makes you a priority in his life because he knows your value. (all without being a b!)

Hi, I’m Anabell, and I’m obsessed with all things feminine attraction.

I help women remove mental blocks and limiting beliefs so you can stop procrastinating and finally be the confident feminine woman you truly desire to be.

If men and relationships feel confusing or frustrating, you want my weekly email newsletter in your inbox. I share the deep neuroscience research about men, love creation and what works in lasting relationships. 

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The go-to podcast for women looking to level up their feminine energy game (and have a great time doing it!)

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Ep. 145 – Are You Emotionally Unavailable & Pushing Away Good Men?

You desire love, connection, and commitment. You long for a deep, fulfilling relationship with a man who adores, pursues, and prioritizes you. And yet… something keeps getting in the way.   You find yourself attracting emotionally unavailable men.   You push away the good ones.   You feel disconnected, distant, or even numb when a man tries to […]

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