Do you think men love women who are difficult or mean? Based on all the dating advice you see online, does it seem like men are more attracted to women that are…the b word? Let me clear this up once and for all.
Men don’t love “bitches”—they’re drawn to women with self-respect, who have standards and express them clearly. The confusion lies in the fact that many of you have been told to be nice, don’t hurt anyone’s feelings, or don’t be mean. So when a woman shows she respects herself, says “no” when necessary, and prioritizes her own well-being, the world wants to call her a b word.
Let’s be honest, society has deemed a woman saying what she wants, going after it and doing what it takes to get it, as “being a B” (um Martha Stewart documentary anyone?) I love her by the way.
That’s not bitchy. To men, it actually communicates authenticity, strength and honesty — and THATS what he thinks is hot.
Drop the idea that you have to be mean to be respected. You attract the right man by being kind, clear, and confident.
Men don’t love it when you’re mean. Don’t believe me? Try it. See what it gets you. Not much sweetie.
In fact, it’s quite the opposite. A man is a hunter/warrior at his core.
He feels like he’s at war all day when he’s working. So when he comes home to his woman, he wants it to be his peaceful place.
He’s just gonna defend himself against you instead of doing what he really wants which love, protect and provide for you.
But because men are single-focused, he can’t do both defend himself and defend you.
Instead, his primal survival drive kicks in and he’s gotta protect himself FROM you. 🙈
So many women I talk to interpret being bitchy or unattainable as being the key to his heart and devotion.
What he likes is the self respect, honesty and courage that are implied WHEN you’re being mean.
There’s a sexier and more attractive way to be authentic and share what you want and need from him, that when you do it, he feels even MORE attracted to you, falls deeper in love and makes him KNOW you’re the one for him.
And you get to treat him exactly how you WANT to treat him, with love and respect. It’s a win-win.
Want his heart? Bring out the WINNER in him.
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