Have you ever found yourself thinking that if you just show him *more* of your love, or go that extra mile to prove you’re the “right” woman for him, he’ll finally want you the way you want him?
This pattern of “over-functioning” and people-pleasing isn’t actually about him—it’s a sign of insecure attachment. When you want a man so deeply, to the point that you bend yourself to fit into what you *think* he needs, it often comes from a deep fear of not being chosen or not feeling “enough” as you are.
Here’s the truth: you can’t get him to want you more simply by wanting him more.
Real connection doesn’t grow from proving yourself or over-giving. Instead, it grows from a foundation of secure attachment, where you’re not acting out of fear of losing him, but rather from a place of inner security. Healing to create secure attachment frees you from the need to over-function or people-please because you no longer feel the pull to prove yourself worthy. When you heal, you naturally attract a man who is just as willing and excited to invest in *you*—without you having to twist yourself to “earn” it.
As you buildi secure attachment, you’ll see how much simpler and more fulfilling it feels to be in a connection where you’re truly seen and loved for who you are. It’s a journey worth every step, because it leads you to a love that is secure, fulfilling, and truly mutual.
Ready to take that first step toward secure attachment? CLICK HERE and I’ll send you my new free guide, What’s Your Attachment Style? to help you uncover your unique attachment style and begin your journey to a secure, fulfilling relationship.
Want more support? Click here to get on the waitlist for Segura, the coaching program that helps you break free from the insecure attachment patterns that hold you back in relationships & create the secure foundation needed to attract a loving masculine man ready for marriage.
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