Why You Keep Attracting (and Settling for) Men With “Potential”

Hi, I’m Anabell, and I’m obsessed with all things attraction & conection.

I help women break free from subconscious patterns that hold you back in romantic relationships, unlock your true feminine potential and attract your masculine man 

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The go-to podcast for woman looking to level up their femininity and secure attachment (and have a great time doing it!)



 Insecure Attachment Has You Choosing from Your Past, Not Your Future

When you attract and pick men with potential, you’re drawn to who he *could* be, hoping he’ll grow into the partner you need. Instead of choosing a man that has everything you truly desire  (like a physical attraction, genuine connection, shared values and a character you respect and can fully trust) you settle out of familiarity with old attachment patterns.

Secure Attachment Lets You See Reality, Not Potential

If you’re attracting men who don’t fully show up, it’s often a sign of insecure attachment. Picking men “with potential”  often comes from an old family dynamic where you felt you had to compensate for what your caregivers couldn’t provide—whether it was love, attention, nurturing, encouragement, or even a safe, abundant environment.  But building secure attachment frees you to see him as he actually is, helping you choose based on your future relationship goals instead of your past family patterns. 

Rewriting Your “Core Love Design” Helps You Choose with Clarity

With insecure attachment, you might feel compelled to chase, over give, or prove your worth, mirroring that old family pattern. But by building secure attachment you will rewrite your “Core Love Design” and practice secure feminine detachment easily. You’ll finally move from compensation to genuine connection, attracting a man aligned with your true relationship goals.

Secure Detachment Frees You from Needing His Validation

The ability to practice secure feminine detachment is a game changer. It isn’t about indifference—it’s about feeling so secure in yourself that you no longer seek validation from a man or relationship in order to feel whole. When you rewrite these subconscious patterns, you create space for a real connection, free from old insecurities.

Healing Insecure Attachment Breaks the Cycle of Familiar Family Patterns

These old family dynamics are deeply embedded in your subconscious, driving you to pick partners who mirror what you had to make up for in childhood. Rewriting your Core Love Design frees you to choose from a place of wholeness, letting go of the need to ‘fix’ or ‘prove’ in relationships.


Ready to take that first step toward secure attachment? CLICK HERE and I’ll send you my new free guide, What’s Your Attachment Style? to help you uncover your unique attachment style and begin your journey to a secure, fulfilling relationship.

Want more support? Click here to get on the waitlist for Segura, the coaching program that helps you break free from the insecure attachment patterns that hold you back in relationships & create the secure foundation needed to attract a loving masculine man ready for marriage.

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Hi, I’m Anabell, and I’m obsessed with all things feminine attraction.

I help women remove mental blocks and limiting beliefs so you can stop procrastinating and finally be the confident feminine woman you truly desire to be.

If men and relationships feel confusing or frustrating, you want my weekly email newsletter in your inbox. I share the deep neuroscience research about men, love creation and what works in lasting relationships. 

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The go-to podcast for women looking to level up their feminine energy game (and have a great time doing it!)

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