Date Slow & Breakup Fast

Hi, I’m Anabell, and I’m obsessed with all things attraction & conection.

I help women break free from subconscious patterns that hold you back in romantic relationships, unlock your true feminine potential and attract your masculine man 

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The go-to podcast for woman looking to level up their femininity and secure attachment (and have a great time doing it!)



Why it works, doesn’t make you a mean person and it’s what God wants for you. 

We all know God doesn’t command us to “date” a man. In fact the concept of dating is not biblical. There’s nowhere in scripture that tells us to date a man romantically with the intention of possibly marrying him. Dating is a manmade concept. 

After studying scripture, I truly believe God calls us to approach romantic relationships in a way that honors Him and helps us love others as we love ourselves. Matthew 22:38

If you are a true believer and follower of Christ, you are part of His Kingdom and the kingdom has different “rules.”

You may have heard of that saying, “play stupid games, win stupid prizes.” 

Well it’s no different when it comes to relationships. Especially with men. When you’re with the world and act like the world, you’ll get more worldly things. 

And let’s be honest, world men are completely different from men who love and follow God.  

I think back to when I was lukewarm and cared more about earthly things and what others thought of me. I was doing things like drinking alcohol every day, working to make a lot of money and feel “successful” so I could buy lots of clothes, food, and to impress worldly people. 

But God commands us to “not store up treasures on earth, where moth and vermin destroy and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” – Matthew 6: 19-21

Jesus explains that where (earth or heaven) you are focused in storing treasure shows your heart posture. 

I want my heart posture (your heart/soul consists of your will/behaviors, thoughts and emotions) to be pure and fully led by the Holy Spirit. And when I’m spirit led, I’m focused on heaven aka His Kingdom. Not on earth. 

Your time on earth is temporary. You want to spend eternity in Heaven with God. You can also experience His Kingdom on earth and you do this by abiding in Him, with him and Him in you. 

My content shares what I believe must be our approach as Godly women in regards to our relationship with a man.

When the Pharisees asked Jesus what the greatest commandment was, “Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.” – ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭22‬:‭37‬- ‭39‬ ‭

Jesus calls us to love the Lord your God with all your heart, your soul and your mind FIRST. Then love man only as you love yourself. 

God first, you and man second. 

It’s clear and should be followed. When you seek first His kingdom, He shows you EXACTLY how to love a Godly man so naturally and beautifully. 

To worry about what man thinks is to be idol to darkness and not to the light. Earth vs. Heaven. Man versus God. 

Man includes you. You are a human being and when you are focused on what your flesh desires, you are focused on earthly things. Your flesh is a temple to house the The Holy Spirit. 

When you are focused on loving and therefore obeying God, you are focused on heavenly things. 

God calls us to not be double-minded. He shared that we cannot serve two masters for we will despise one and love the other. We cannot serve God and serve mammon. 

All that said, we must approach our relationships here with Godly and spirit-led intention. 

Stop looking at the plank in your brother’s eye and avoid noticing the dust in yours. There are plenty of great men out there. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting so many of them. 

But they want Godly women. 

You must focus on your own walk with God and trust me, the Godly men show up.

I teach the concept of “date slow & breakup fast” in my program Segura, where I help women stop dating like the world and love according to God’s Word. 

It focuses on 4 main things: Pace, Proximity, Posture and Partnering with God to attract, connect with and choose a Godly man. 

What I mean by dating slow and breaking up fast are a metaphor for how to interact with Godly men and how to flee from worldly or sinful men. 

This isn’t about being fearful or judging men. It’s about having discernment and separating from people and environments that lead you to sin. 

In James 4:7, he shares how you must “submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners and purify your hearts, you double-minded.” 

It’s not enough to focus on God but to flee from sin and stop being in both the world and with God. 

You can’t be both in darkness and in light. And it’s this double-mindedness that makes you feel like nothing is working. You cannot serve two masters, God and mammon. “You will hate one and love the other. You will be devoted to one and despise the other.” – Luke 16:13

In my private community, we focus on following and having full faith in God and learning how doing that first and foremost helps you attract, connect with and choose a Godly man.

If loving God and loving a Godly man are important to you, I invite you to my community and programs. 


STOP dating like the world & date according to The Word. There isn’t a shortage of Godly men out there. You’ve just been attracting and picking the wrong ones because you’ve been using a worldly strategy. It’s time you experienced the love God wants for you. Segura is the program where I share how I believe you can  date, connect with and choose to the right man for you.  Click here to download the program now. 

Join the private Segura community HERE. The is the exclusive community and mentorship program designed to help you to focus on, follow & have full faith in God, receive God’s love & earthly blessings AND how only this gives you emotional freedom and allows you to fully love a Godly man you respect & can fully rely on and receive love from him. Learn more about it HERE.

Subscribe to my Youtube channel HERE.

Connect with me on Instagram HERE.

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Learn more about me and my coaching. Visit 

Hi, I’m Anabell, and I’m obsessed with all things feminine attraction.

I help women remove mental blocks and limiting beliefs so you can stop procrastinating and finally be the confident feminine woman you truly desire to be.

If men and relationships feel confusing or frustrating, you want my weekly email newsletter in your inbox. I share the deep neuroscience research about men, love creation and what works in lasting relationships. 

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The go-to podcast for women looking to level up their feminine energy game (and have a great time doing it!)

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