
134 – My Testimony: From “Self-Healer” To The Healer Himself

I'm Anabell!

I help single, strong and successful  women undo unhealthy masculine patterns and master their feminine design so you can attract, connect with and keep a loving and loyal man. 

hey there

This video episode was sooooo challenging to record but I’m here to finally share it with you. This was important to share because as a listener of the podcast, it affects what you hear on the show and how I can serve you moving forward. 

The enemy makes it so we feel shameful or fearful to share our past sins with the world. But showing up as my true self feels easier with God. This episode is proof.

“What is impossible with man is possible with God.” – Luke 18:27

In this week’s episode, I’m sharing my testimony with regard to my business and how God helped me to see my sin, my heart and what’s next. 

Want to watch the full video of this episode, click here to watch it on Youtube. 


Want the full written transcript of this week’s episode? CLICK HERE.

STOP dating like the world & date according to The Word. There isn’t a shortage of Godly men out there. You’ve just been attracting and picking the wrong ones because you’ve been using a worldly strategy. It’s time you experienced the love God wants for you. Segura is the program where I share how I believe you can  date, connect with and choose to the right man for you.  Click here to download the program now. 

Join the private Segura community HERE. The private community is where we unpack the Segura program, do live Q&A each Thursday at 12 noon PST and I teach the value of singleness, how to achieve joy in singleness and how your faith and God’s Word helps you be the best woman you can be.

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Listen to this episode on Spotify by clicking HERE. 

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