Why Feminine Women Are Attracted To Masculine Men

Hi, I’m Anabell, and I’m obsessed with all things attraction & conection.

I help women break free from subconscious patterns that hold you back in romantic relationships, unlock your true feminine potential and attract your masculine man 

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The go-to podcast for woman looking to level up their femininity and secure attachment (and have a great time doing it!)



Masculine men are alpha. Nice guys are beta. 

First, please allow me to describe the difference between a nice guy and a man that’s nice. 

Nice guys are pushovers, aren’t confident and are scared to take the lead. 

Men that are nice don’t get taken advantage of, are confident and understand that it’s their duty to lead. 

I’m not just referring to men in a romantic relationship. This is how he shows up in life in general. Work. Play. Family. Friends. And of course in a romantic relationship with a woman 

Beta guys don’t know how to lead, are scared to lead or they lead with control and fear. They think a title or position makes them a leader. 

Alpha men lead with integrity and love. They’re empathetic, compassionate and they lead from a desire to create other leaders. 

Beta guys focus on doing things right. 
Alpha men focus on doing the right thing. 

Beta men want to be loved and desired. 
Alpha men love themselves fully and they find value in being needed for their ability to provide. 

Beta guys will skip steps and rush a process because they’re impatient. 
Alpha men understand good things take time and they have a process. They’re patient. 

Beta guys don’t have a plan. They’re impulsive and say they like structure or details. 
Alpha men have a vision, a plan to get there and they practice self control. 

A secure woman will inherently desire an alpha man because she feels safe with him. His confident nature creates trust in him and she feels secure because she knows what is happening and she knows the details. 

A masculine alpha man conveys strength and trust a woman will follow him. This allows her to easily access and enjoy her feminine side. He reaps all the benefits of the sensual feminine

A beta guy will seem fun at first but quickly prove to feel like a child, someone that she needs to mother or guide. 

This will force a woman to go into her masculine energy and she will subconsciously not feel safe with a bet guy because he doesn’t “know” what he’s doing. It forces a woman to have to think, analyze and figure it out herself. 

Notice if you lean towards a beta or alpha man. It will show you if you have more masculine or feminine energy.

Why is this important? 

The healthy state of a man is him fully in an alpha state. Confident leader. This is him in his masculine energy. He is a loving leader. He can access his emotions and his logic. He easily uses both. 

He loves and leads himself when he’s single and he leads his woman when he’s in a relationship.

The healthy state of a woman is her ability to easily access her feminine energy. Her ability to follow and trust God, the universe and others. 

She loves and leads herself when she is single and she follows her man when she’s in a relationship.

The other dynamic doesn’t work in romantic relationships. ⁣

Relationships are the beautiful yin and yang of the complimentary natures. 

It’s a dance and when you dance together, someone must always lead. Both cannot lead. 

⁣You don’t have to lead and over give with a strong secure alpha man. He wants to do that for you.⁣

⁣But if you don’t trust him to provide and love you, you will not follow him. 

 You’ll keep on with current strategy and it will only push away the good men and attract all the lazy unhealthy guys that love to take take take. ⁣

A secure man wants a secure woman. 

A masculine man wants a feminine woman. 

A feminine woman is naturally attracted to a masculine man. 

Notice if you’re not. 

If masculine energy that leads you and loves you feels uncomfortable or unsafe, then you may have been hurt, betrayed or neglected by masculine energy in the past.  

As a woman, having the desire to lead, work hard and give a lot is typically trauma responses to past pain from masculine energy.  

This is a lot of protective and over-providing behavior that you do in order to stay safe and somewhat independent so you can control the relationship, stay single or maintain a sense of control so you don’t get hurt again. 

This is common but shows you that you’re using old patterns in the present. 

And it’s keeping you from a great romantic relationship because the ones that thrive, feel good and last are relationships with healthy feminine/masculine dynamics. 

In order to have this, you must learn to feel loved and secure when you’re single (access your strong masculine leadership traits) and conversely easily transition to that flexible feminine when you’re in a relationship. 

This means a lot less “doing” with a man. It’s more of a just showing up and being yourself. 

⁣When you finally feel loved and secure simply because you’re you, you will easily be able to attract an amazing man that wants to love you and take care of you even more. ⁣

I help you do this in my new group coaching program, Segura, opening in just a few weeks. 

In Segura, I help you, the strong, independent and smart woman create secure attachment within yourself so you can attract and receive love from a masculine man and finally stop attracting beta men and settling for unhealthy relationship dynamics that have you doing all the work and feeling under-loved. 


STOP dating like the world & date according to The Word. There isn’t a shortage of Godly men out there. You’ve just been attracting and picking the wrong ones because you’ve been using a worldly strategy. It’s time you experienced the love God wants for you. Segura is the program where I share how I believe you can  date, connect with and choose to the right man for you.  Click here to download the program now. 

Join the private Segura community HERE. The private community is where we unpack the Segura program, do live Q&A each Thursday at 12 noon PST and I teach the value of singleness, how to achieve joy in singleness and how your faith and God’s Word helps you be the best woman you can be.

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Hi, I’m Anabell, and I’m obsessed with all things feminine attraction.

I help women remove mental blocks and limiting beliefs so you can stop procrastinating and finally be the confident feminine woman you truly desire to be.

If men and relationships feel confusing or frustrating, you want my weekly email newsletter in your inbox. I share the deep neuroscience research about men, love creation and what works in lasting relationships. 

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The go-to podcast for women looking to level up their feminine energy game (and have a great time doing it!)

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