The Feminine Attraction System

He Needs To Chase: Module 2, Video 1 – The Feminine Attraction System

I'm Anabell!

I help strong successful women build secure attachment so you can stop settling men with potential and confidently choose the ideal man for you.

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He Needs To Chase: Module 2, Video 1 – The Feminine Attraction System

Click above to watch the first video in Module 2, He Needs To Chase.

In this module, you’re going to learn the first step in connecting with a man in a feminine way. This stage is all about physical attraction. When he sees you and is physically attracted to you, he will be filled with testosterone and shoot over to you and make it clear that he’s interested in knowing more.

Whether it’s online on a dating app, at work, at church or with mutual friends, when he is attracted and interested in more, he will come to you aka chase you.


To watch the next video in this module, click HERE.

Download the Feminine Attraction System guidebook HERE

Go back to the main module page by clicking HERE.

To read a full transcription of the video lesson, download the PDF HERE.

Listen to the audio of this lesson by clicking below. Get the full audio version of this program by clicking  HERE

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