A man values things that require his:
Time, effort and the need for him to reach and maintain a high standard and consistency.
He knows that good things take time, good things are valuable, they’re expensive, you gotta pay with time, effort and money. His resources.
He understands his need to work in order to obtain the prize, status or respect. He desires the challenge for how it makes him a better and stronger man.
When he earns a job, he doesn’t expect to get benefits until after the 90-day probation period.
So when a woman gives him something too quickly, he can subconsciously deem it or her as low value.
When someone doesn’t have high standards…has low standards or settles for anything, this again rings as low value.
You see….Men want things that give them status in society.
Things that give men status are things of high value.
Having a good woman that can be his wife is like winning the ultimate prize.
Promiscuity is a characteristic of a toy used or played with for temporary fun.
He’ll pull it out here and there when he’s bored or wants some fun, but surely he will not proudly share her. He will hide her in the cabinet, or the darkness of the bedroom.
A good woman that’s deserves the position of wife, however, is worthy to be brought out into the light of the world as she gives him peace, strength and status.
A man does NOT want a woman that attaches to him fast, likes him quickly without him using any effort to gain that affection.
A woman worthy of being a wife understands the value of her mind, spirit AND body. She’s private. She doesn’t share it with every man.
And because she values herself and uses self control and shares her values and standards clearly, he values her too.
Do you want to be played with or celebrated? The choice is yours.
Let’s Connect
Want to finally attract masculine men that are loving and loyal? Learn the feminine dating strategy that he MUST EXPERIENCE with you in order to fall in love & commit all on his own! The Feminine Attraction System is your answer to masculine love and feminine confidence in a relationship. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE
Learn the 10 Behaviors That Are Pushing Him Away CLICK HERE to download my free guide to learn what they are so you can start attracting him.
Listen to the Blooming Podcast where I share about all things feminine energy, faith, undoing unhealthy masculine patterns, behavior change and creating a feminine mindset. CLICK HERE
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Learn more about me and my coaching. Visit https://anabellingleton.co
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