
Ep. #60 – Self Abandonment – What Is It?

I'm Anabell!

I help single, strong and successful  women undo unhealthy masculine patterns and master their feminine design so you can attract, connect with and keep a loving and loyal man. 

hey there

In this episode, I’m sharing tips the concept of Self Abandonment.  

I also explain how it’s created, what the effects are on your life and how to stop doing it.  

Important Terms:

Self abandonment – is when you disconnect from your highest Self.You abandon your needs, values, instincts, emotions, thoughts,behaviors, requests, intuition, goals, inner knowing, desires anddreams. It is learned behavior. It is automatic. You learned it from yourprimary caregivers, culture, family of origin, community. It is adetachment from Self. You learned it by seeing others self-abandonand/or you were told or taught that it isn’t good to be You. Maybe youwere punished for being you, expressing yourself, making a mistake,requesting something.

Self Leadership/Connection: 

Living from your values, needs, desires, goals, intuition, voice, innerknowing.

Self Accountability: 

Honoring your promises to yourself. 

Self protective behaviors: things you do automatically and by habit that arelearned from your caretakers….either by their example or by being told todeny your emotions, thoughts, beliefs, interests, behaviors, needs andrequests.

Hustling (Self Protective Behavior) – 

Over functioning, people pleasing, codependent, over-learning (alwaysreading to learn, listening to podcasts, taking course after course, takingtrainings, getting degrees and certifications), comparing, rationalize,doing, over thinking, working a lot, perfectionism. 

Hiding (Self Protective Behavior) – 

Numbing (ex. shopping, social media, porn, cheating (both emotionallyand physically, alcohol, weed, work, busyness), addiction, avoiding,ghosting others, under functioning, impulsiveness, settling for less thanyou deserve, procrastination, claiming indecision, hiding withoverworking, not applying what you learn, “not giving something 100%effort” or holding back. 

What you will discover:

  • Why self abandonment happens.
  • What creates self abandonment.
  • What Self Leadership is.
  • How Self Leadership helps heal your wounds.
  • What Self Abandonment does to you as a person.

Listen to the full episode here:

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