Feminine Energy

4 Years Ago I Was Single, Super Lonely & Drank My Anxiety Away

I'm Anabell!

I help strong successful women build secure attachment so you can stop settling men with potential and confidently choose the ideal man for you.

hey there

4 years ago I remember being single and LONELY. I felt so lonely and desperate for connection that I would drink a bottle of Pinot Grigio every single night just to deal with the overwhelming sadness, anxiety and fear I had when work was over and it was only me at home with “no man to love me.” That’s what I would tell myself. ⁣

Because I felt so desperate for attention from a man, I always text old boyfriends or guys I knew liked me. I practically had them on speed dial. I’d find a reason to reach out and would find a way to get them to ask me out. ⁣

“Ahh. I’m ok now. Someone wants me. I’m not gonna end up old and alone,” I’d think. ⁣

I felt like an addict looking for my next hit. ⁣

I genuinely felt addicted to attention, companionship, anything that made me feel wanted, or seen by a man. ⁣

I always wanted to be in a relationship or dating someone. And if I wasn’t, those were the nights I’d drink wine to numb myself from the reality of my unlovability and painful fear of being alone. ⁣

It was a never ending cycle though. ⁣

I’d be so anxious for the guy that once I reeled him in, I’d turn him off. Or the guy that was into me, I’d eventually always find something wrong with him, breakup and then I was back to square one, crying and drinking. ⁣

It was so frustrating. I felt like I couldn’t keep a relationship together AND I didn’t know how to be single. What the heck was wrong with me?⁣

It wasn’t until I understood that I lacked a sense of love and security within myself and that’s why I felt so scared when I was single and always obsessed with finding my next man. ⁣

My lack of love and personal security always had me searching for love and safety FROM A MAN. This lack made me feel so needy and pushy with men or willing to settle for anyone. ⁣

But this only hurt me more. Trying to force the process or take whatever a man had was never the answer. It only left me feeling like men didn’t want me with a side of “there are no good men out there.” ⁣

He wants to love you. ⁣
There isn’t a shortage of great men out there. 

You’re just picking the wrong ones out of internal lack. ⁣

I help women finally choose a great man from a place of feeling fully loved and secure in yourself first. I also teach you how to undo the nasty habit of subconsciously attaching to men.  Instead I teach you how to connect from a place of deep love and security.  And lastly I teach you how to consciously choose a man based on what actually makes relationships thrive AND last. ⁣

⁣Yes, these are all skills. You shouldn’t expect to just be born and know to love and be loved. It’s called the Conscious Choosing Method and you learn this essential and necessary skill set in my new group coaching program Segura. ⁣

⁣You’ll finally have be able to:⁣

⁣Feel confident and happy when dating and meeting men. ⁣

⁣Always know when a man is right or wrong for you. ⁣

⁣Feel comfortable in your own skin with any man. ⁣

⁣Actually LOVE being single and never feel like you “need” a man and instead simply want one. ⁣

⁣Be completely turned off by inconsistent or avoidant behavior in a man and easily walk away from unhealthy or toxic men. ⁣

⁣Raise your relationship and man standards and never feel like you have to compromise your values just to be in a relationship ⁣

Repel the losers, liars and little boys forever. ⁣

⁣Attract and choose a healthy masculine man that you’re attracted to physically AND you respect and can totally rely on. Yes girl, you can have both. ⁣

⁣All while still keeping your independence, great career, amazing income and strong go-getter personality that got you this great life. ⁣

⁣You don’t have to change yourself, settle for less or compromise your deep values in order to fall in love. ⁣

⁣If this is what you want, CLICK HERE to join the waitlist to be notified when I open enrollment for Segura, this month. When you join the list, you’ll get VIP early bird access to join before everyone else, get special early bird pricing and special one-time bonuses. Trust me, they’re crazy good. ⁣

CLICK HERE to join the waitlist and to join Segura when I open spots in just a few weeks. 

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