The Feminine Attraction System

He Needs A Challenge – Module 3, Video 1 – The Feminine Attraction System

I'm Anabell!

I help strong successful women build secure attachment so you can stop settling men with potential and confidently choose the ideal man for you.

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He Needs A Challenge – Module 3, Video 1 – The Feminine Attraction System

In this lesson, you’ll learn:

  • Why he needs to be challenged and how you can naturally do this
  • The feminine attraction system staircase
  • The 5 necessary ways to create space with him so he loves and respects you
  • Why making things easy will repel him and attract the wrong guys
  • How to get him in his heart and out of his head and why this is so important
  • Why you are the “buyer” in the relationship.


To watch the next video in this module, click HERE.

Download the Feminine Attraction System guidebook HERE

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To read a full transcription of the video lesson, download the PDF HERE.

Listen to the audio of this lesson by clicking below. Get the full audio version of this program by clicking  HERE.

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